Pin Drawings

Renee van der Stelt, Pin Drawings, February 2004

installation view

Devoid of color, van der Stelt's drawings are created through puncturing the surface of the paper with a pin. The drawings seek to describe space in both diagrammatic and topographic ways, and link the two dimensional image with the three dimensional object. They are visual maps or illustrations. The drawings suggest our globe, our galaxy, and reveal the biases and limitations of how we think about space.

installation view

detail of drawing surface

Renee van der Stelt was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan and grew up in Ontario and Iowa. She received a Master’s degree in Art History in 1990 and a MFA degree in Drawing from the University of Iowa in 1993. Now living in Baltimore, Maryland, she exhibits nationally in solo and group exhibitions. She has received grants from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, the City of Baltimore, and the Maryland State Arts Council. She was an artist-in-residence at the historic MacDowell Colony in 2008. Her work is included in the Drawing Center’s Artist Registry, NY.