48 Pages

Andrea Biller, 48 Pages, March 2004

installation view

For the installation 48 Pages, Biller presented a series of drawings on vellum created to act as a see through book. The viewer was able to look through a series of individual drawings, or pages. As the viewer removed each page from its shallow box the layers disappeared and the 'reading' was complete. This installation was part of an ongoing investigation of the physical properties of texts with the marks of the drawing substituting for the marks of a text.

installation view

installation view

page detail

Andrea Biller, who lives and works in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, attended Antonelli Institute of Art and recently earned a BA in English. Her work has been shown regionally at the Parlor and Infantree Galleries in Lancaster and the Abington Art Center in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, and nationally at the Three Rivers Arts Festival in Pittsburgh and Women Made Gallery, Chicago.

In 2003 and 2006 Ms. Biller presented a drawing project for the web titled “A Drawing a Day for Lent” at http://www.andreabiller.com/. She is currently working on a new group of paintings as well as continuing with her ongoing series of drawings on vellum.