Passing Notes

Cara Ober + Julie Benoit, Passing Notes, October 2005

installation view
Passing Notes: A Visual Collaboration features hundreds of small sketches by Cara Ober and Julie Benoit, mounted grid-like to cover all the walls of spare room. Ober and Benoit explore cross-pollination and visual dialogues which emerged when the two shared a studio space.

installation view



A painter, teacher, and writer, Cara Ober layers drawing, painting, and printmaking into mixed media works that examine and reinterpret sentimental imagery.

In the past year, Ober has exhibited in Washington, DC at The Randall Scott Gallery and Flashpoint, at The Riviera Gallery in Brooklyn, NY, at L&M Artworks in Atlanta, GA, and at Maryland Art Place in Baltimore, MD. Ober has participated in numerous international art fairs in the past year, including Art Miami, Aqua Winwood Miami, and Bridge Fair in London.

Julie Benoit currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland where she is finishing up grad school at MICA. Benoit owns a dog walking business that operates throughout the city. She spends her days walking around Baltimore with handfuls of dogs. Through wandering about the city she has developed an interest in all of the small moments that surround her. Benoit has shown her work in galleries in Baltimore, DC, New York, Oregon, Los Angeles, and other cities. She also writes an occasional art review for local blogs and has in the past written for other local magazines. Benoit spends her time wandering about and paying attention to all of the tiny things that are overlooked.